Sunday, October 19, 2008

Monster Trucks & President Monson

Seth has a real thing for monster trucks. I bought him a DVD about them that he loves and watched at least twice a day for a while. He takes them in the car, and almost always goes to bed with one in his hand. About two months ago, we were saying family prayer together while Seth rolled around the room, (or danced, or did whatever else he usually does while we pray). The person saying the prayer said they were thankful for President Monson. No doubt Seth heard something else because we suddenly heard his quiet voice start chanting, "monster trucks, monster trucks" over and over, getting louder and louder. We quickly finished the prayer before we all burst out laughing.

Then tonight it was his turn to say family prayer, so I was helping him. We were saying our list of things we were thankful for, "We're thankful for our family, we're thankful that we're all healthy, etc." Then he says, "and Monster truck...DDD" (DVD) and he continues on with what I had just prompted him to say. The girls couldn't hold the laughter in so we had to quickly end the prayer.

1 comment:

Prestwich Family said...

That is hilarious! Glad to know that my little boy isn't the only one who's jumping, dancing and climbing on everyone's back when it is prayer time. He is getting much better though!