Monday, May 25, 2009

The End of an Era?.....Hope Not

So a couple months ago we met with our friends, Steve & Jayme Smith. They are the couple behind Stories in Concert. Steve writes all the music and Jayme produces. They sprung it on us that they were moving in a week to Logan. For those of you that don't know, Logan is about two hours away. They've been living in this tiny rental for more than four years with their four kids and it was time to buy a house. More than time. So they found a place in Mendon (just outside Logan) that they couldn't live without.

Needless to say, we are not doing The Legend of Sleepy Hollow this year. Nor are we doing The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere at the Freedom Festival, nor are we working on Alice in Wonderland for next year. It took David and I several days to process and realize the full import of it. We are definitely bummed, saddened, etc. I told David tonight that while I mourn the loss of my involvement in it, I'm more saddened that it just isn't happening at all. It's just too good a thing not to happen!

Anyway, they say that we will pick it up again in the future, but we're not sure when. And how exactly is that going to work with them two hours away? We shall see...


Val said...

When one door closes, another one hits you in the butt. Oh wait. That's not it. But seriously, if it's not Sleepy Hollow, it will be something else totally cool. And I'm determined to see Alice happen. Can you steal Steve's music? He won't mind, he's such a nice guy. Right, Steve? Are you reading this?! Make it happen!!

shannon p. said...

What a disappointment! I have loved Sleepy Hollow and I've been anticipating Alice...are you sure you don't just want to take over and go forward with it? I'm with Val...Steve wont mind will he?