Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Haunting Video


David sent this to me earlier today and I haven't stopped thinking about it since. What the crap are we doing, and how are we going to get out of this?

I was going to go off about how I feel about the current stimulus bill, but I'm so sick of thinking about it. I've been way less than impressed with Obama's scare tactics (ie. if we don't pass this tomorrow we're all going to be eating wallpaper paste). He's a hypocrite, because how are programs that we won't see the benefit from until 2-3 years from now supposed to help us now in 2009? I'm just disgusted with it all. I tried to have so much optimism three weeks ago, but it's gone now.


Prestwich Family said...

Slow down there. First of all, there is a lot of back and forth on this. I don't like the stimulus bill either, quite frankly, but something needs to be done. Beck's assertion that "we didn't do anything at the time of the Great Depression and we got through it" just doesn't work here. Yeah, we got through it. WWII pulled us out of it. We had 30% unemployment. Things were pretty bad, ie people like my grandmother spent the first 8 years of her life living in a tent, but I am not ready to go there without trying something. All economists, not bankers, agree that something needs to be done and it can be corrected with directed spending and tax cuts for people that will actually spend the money for regular, household goods and that need it to get by. If it fails, at least we failed trying. If not, we're headed there. And as for Beck, is he now on FOX? Don't really care for the guy and even less so if he's on FOX. Travis

Lady Carolyn said...

I like Glenn Beck. But he tends to go a bit doomsday. Still, I think we've had a sinking ship for decades its only a matter of time, no matter which candidate won. but look at history. These things happen and in many nations. You deal, do what you have to and try to be smart about it as best you can. it eventually looks up again and the cycle continues.

Honestly, as bad as things may sound, its about time our generation learned to work. We all have had things handed to us. If things do get doomsday, we all will have to step up.

Hard times develope character. We need that and hopefully we can give our kids ethics and values and help them have a better place to live in.

Anywhoo, that's my 2 cents.

shannon p. said...

There is no question about it, these are troubling times, and I feel like the "solutions" are just leading us further down the wrong path. Glen Beck may be a little over the top, but I think he is very aware of the current situations and isn't willing to sit by and just let them happen. I'd rather be prepared and be wrong than unprepared and wrong!